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Demons hate fresh air.

I finished reading Austin Kleon’s new book “Keep Going” a couple of days ago (it’s excellent - buy it immediately) and two of my favourite bits of wisdom from the book are:

Demons hate fresh air.

Exercise to exorcise.

Over the past few months, I’ve been digging into new creative and client projects, letting go of some old relationships, and generally doing hard and uncomfortable things.

Which makes me feel brave and bold and kick-ass...annnnnnnd it also makes me feel angsty, scattered and pulsing with self-doubt.

Journaling helps.

And great conversations with people I love and trust.

And so too does fresh air, sunshine, and movement, especially walking.

And now I know why.

Demons hate fresh air.

And you can exorcise them with exercise.

I went for a long walk early this morning and gasped with delight when I happened upon this street art, one finished but new to me, and the other an incredible work in progress.

Turns out demons hate joyful colour and inspiring street art too.

#suckitdemons #keepgoing