My Curious Eyes
My Curious Eyes is a quarterly noticing and picture-taking project that invites hundreds of people from around the world to tune into their surroundings (and themselves) with mindfulness and curiosity...and then share what they see with their curious eyes.
How does it work?
Each season, over the course of two weeks, we send out a simple, daily prompt to members of the My Curious Eyes community. Each person ventures out into their world noodling the daily theme, snaps a picture that relates to the prompt somehow, and then shares it on the private My Curious Eyes community page.
One daily prompt.
One daily photo.
Unlimited interaction + insight
What does it look like?
Day 3: Pattern
“…at the beginning of the year I bought three plants...a money tree, a watermelon plant, and this one. I love the repeating patterns of the leaves…”
Day 4: Light
“I think there is an insight here about the beauty of focus. About how a single beam of light, when focused through a prism, bursts through the other side in a rainbow of colour.”
Day 10: Joy
“…they came with a cocktail I enjoyed last fall at the Siren Bar in Detroit. I just couldn't leave them at the bar.”
Why do people do it?
There are so many reasons people sign up for My Curious Eyes, and keep coming back season after season.
It’s inspiring.
It fosters connection, mindfulness and an appreciation for the beauty and interestingness that's all around us.
But you don’t have to take our word for it,
Here’s what some of our other curious friends had to say...
“Thank you for gathering this trusting group of humans and reminding all of us to see the beauty in ourselves, in others, and in the spaces we inhabit. I knew I could harness the internet to do my banking and buy shoes. Who knew it could also be used to re-calibrate the spirit?!”
“The best part of My Curiosity Eyes is the chance to pause and peek at the world with a plan. It’s a curiosity-inspired journey into yourself, your world, and the lives and worlds of others. I loved seeing how everyone took the same assignment and did entirely different things with it.”